Balcony View

Balcony View
This ain't Alabama

Thursday, May 27, 2010


Guess I'm catching up on putting my experiences to paper - rather, screen.  But I've been occupied.  Lacy and Jeff came to visit this past weekend, and I've spent the last couple of days recovering.  We had a great time.  At least I had a great time, and they either did or lied to make me feel good.  I was just happy to be in their company, and to show them a little bit of my backyard.  They had been here before and did most the touristy stuff then, so I tried to think of things to do that were a little more our style.

One thing I had on my list was a visit to the place that inspired the "cheeburger cheeburger" skit on Saturday Night Live.  I ran across it while looking for burger joints.  I knew it was a bonified dive from the reviews, but it was also one of those places you just have to go to say that you've been.  It certainly lived up to it's reputation as a dive, and while we were there, a few kids came in and we got to hear the "cheeburger" line that made it famous.  Actually, the goat made it famous, but that's another story.

We also road the L up to Wrigleyville, mainly to see Wrigley Field.  The Cubs weren't in town so nothing was really going on - we just got to see it.  From the outside.  As we strolled by.  Then we found a bar.  Actually, Wrigleyville is like a college town - there is little else besides bars and smoke shops.  Much like Lincoln Park, except Lincoln Park is the Fraternity Row of college town - slightly more yuppie.

Lacy and Jeff were here for 2 and a half days, and we really did nothing to write home about.  We ate a lot - and some really good food.  We drank accordingly.  We walked miles and miles.  We watched the Blackhawks sweep the Sharks (on TV, not in person) and got to pretend we were huge Blackhawks fans with everyone else.  Oh, and Lacy saw Ron Howard when we were eating breakfast one day.  Jeff and I missed it.  Nothing big, nothing fancy, nothing at all really, but everything to me.  I got to spend time with people I love dearly and miss as much.  With half of my offspring.  And I got to show them that I'm okay here.  I don't know if that is any consolation to them, but it makes me feel better.

The only downside to their visit is that for the first time, I feel a little homesick.

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait for you to come and visit. we'll... uh... go to marshall's! yeah!
