Balcony View

Balcony View
This ain't Alabama

Sunday, November 14, 2010

focus shift

Well, I've not totally abandoned my little diary of city life.  I have, however, shifted focus a little.  In light of family expansion, I finally have started trying to document a little history of my family life with  stories I remember from growing up, and stories of Seth and Lacy in their early years.  I always enjoyed sitting around the table after a holiday dinner, listening to daddy and granddaddy and papa tell the same stories I had heard many times, but that never got old.  Some I only remember the gist of the story but not the names of the characters.  Some were closer to home, involving family members along the way.

My favorites seem to be the ones that had to have been humiliating to the poor soul who was the subject of the joke, but that were just too funny not to enjoy.  Like the guy who thought a mouse had run up his overalls.  He grabbed the wad, took a pocket knife and cut a big hole, only to find he had just cut his chewing tobacco out of his pocket.  Or my cousin who got the "snipe hunting" joke played on him.  You could hear the echo through the woods....clang, clang, clang...."here snipe".

I know everyone has those stories; funny, poignant, history-documenting stories about their heritage.  Some are passed through the generations, but most are probably lost along the way.  I hope that by writing out what I can remember, and maybe enlisting the help of other family members, I can have something to present my children and grandchildren that will provide a sense of where they come from.  Where they come from may be less distinguished or wealthy, and more simple and country, but none-the-less, it's a heritage of strong family values and love, spoken or not.  And I'll guarantee the stories are better.  :)

1 comment:

  1. Aunt Sis and I have each written the story of our life from childhood to when we got married. Then we started the story of our life together, but that project has kind of stalled. I can recommend several books for you.
    "To Our Children's Children" by Bob Green
    "Grandmother Remembers" by Judith Levy
    "My Family History" published by This one may no longer be available.
    Just keep writing both here and for postetity for you grand kids.
