Balcony View

Balcony View
This ain't Alabama

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

My Home's in Alabama...

One more catch-up...

My house has finally sold - or at least I have a bona fide offer on the table and it seems to be one that will go through.  I will sign my house, that I lived in for 5 years, that I worked and sweated over, in, through, and around, over to the relocation company who will in turn sell it to this nice couple who I'm sure will appreciate all the fine elements - the kitchen most of all, the landscaping, the deck, the colors, the huge yard - as much as I have.

What this means, I realized today, is that I now, officially, am no longer a resident of the state of Alabama.  I no longer have an address that is mine and mine alone, and I have nothing grounded and solid to call "mine".  I'm a nomad, a wanderer with no roots.  But most of all, I no longer have a home in Alabama, land of my birth and the birth of my children who I cherish with all my heart.

Okay, quit the sentiment.  It's temporary - I'll have a home there again.  But just for this small time right now, it hit me and brought an ache to my achy breaky heart.  Just to spite the whole idea, I am going to renew both my driver's license (which is expired) and my license plate (expiring this month) while I'm "home" next week.  By golly, if I can't actually have a home in Alabama, I can make other people think I do.  :)


  1. I hope that you don't get caught doing that. It is not legal. When our house in Scottsboro finally sold we HAD to get Indiana licenses.
    Sad but true.

  2. yeah - someone brought up the insurance question today. i've already transferred my car insurance, so i suppose i'll have to get the licenses. but on the bright side, the difference may be reimbursable due to the relocation! :)
    hope you guys are well.
